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IMSI – Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection Treatment

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) is a technique used in IVF treatment to increase the chances of pregnancy. This advanced technique offers a magnified look at sperm, leading to potentially better fertilization and embryo development in IVF.

What is IMSI?

IMSI action includes a microscopic high-tech scanner scrutinizing your sperm at 6,000 times magnification. It uses this super-powered vision to identify even subtle structural abnormalities that traditional microscopes (magnifying only 400 times) can miss. This allows embryologists to handpick the healthiest, most morphologically normal sperm for fertilization.

When is IMSI recommended?
  • High sperm abnormality: If a significant portion of your sperm exhibits abnormal shapes, IMSI can significantly improve selection accuracy.
  • Previous failed IVF with ICSI: If past ICSI cycles haven’t resulted in fertilization or healthy embryos, IMSI offers a potentially more precise approach.
  • Low sperm count: When sperm are scarce, choosing the best ones becomes even more crucial. IMSI can help maximize your chances of successful fertilization.
How does IMSI work?
  • Sperm selection under the high-powered microscope: Your sperm sample is meticulously examined, identifying even the slightest deviations from the ideal shape.
  • Only the best gets chosen: Sperm with normal morphology and optimal motility are carefully selected for the next step.
  • ICSI for precise fertilization: Similar to traditional ICSI, the chosen sperm is then directly injected into an egg, bypassing any motility limitations.
  • Embryo development and transfer: Fertilized eggs are nurtured in the lab, and healthy embryos are transferred back into the uterus at the optimal stage.
The benefits of IMSI:
  • Increased fertilization rates: Choosing the healthiest sperm can significantly improve the chances of an egg being fertilized.
  • Enhanced embryo quality: Selecting sperm with normal morphology may lead to the development of healthier embryos with higher implantation potential.
  • Potentially better IVF success: By optimizing both fertilization and embryo quality, IMSI can ultimately increase your chances of achieving pregnancy through IVF.

What to expect?

IMSI is a relatively new technique, and while promising, research is ongoing. It can be more expensive than traditional IVF due to the specialized equipment and expertise required. Talk to your fertility specialist to understand if IMSI is right for you and weigh the potential benefits against the cost and available evidence.

Take the first step: IMSI offers a glimmer of hope for couples facing challenges with sperm morphology and struggling with past IVF failures. By understanding how this advanced technique works and discussing its potential with your fertility specialist, you can make informed decisions and navigate your IVF journey with renewed hope and optimism.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can IMSI be used in cases of female infertility?

IMSI is primarily focused on improving sperm selection, so it is not directly related to female infertility. However, in cases where male and female factors contribute to infertility, IMSI may still be considered as part of an overall IVF strategy.

Why is IMSI used instead of traditional ICSI?

IMSI is used to enhance the selection of sperm with normal morphology, providing a more detailed examination of sperm structure compared to traditional ICSI. This may be beneficial in cases of male infertility or repeated IVF failures.

Can IMSI be combined with other fertility treatments?

Yes, IMSI can be combined with other fertility treatments, including ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer, depending on the specific needs of the couple undergoing IVF.

Is there any fertility clinic in HSR layout, Bangalore, where IMSI is available?

Janya Fertility Clinic in the 1st sector of the HSR layout, Bangalore offers IMSI treatment. They have specialized equipment and expert professionals who conduct the treatment. Couples interested in IMSI can visit and get more information on the treatment.