Fertility Evaluation Treatment

Fertility Evaluation Treatment

Before starting any treatment, it’s essential to conduct several essential assessments. This helps us doctors gain a clear picture of the patient’s situation and customize a treatment plan that’s most effective for them. These pre-treatment evaluations, also known as pre-VF investigations, are crucial steps for getting the best result.


Before beginning the IVF journey, a thorough understanding of your ovarian function is crucial. This helps to make a specialized treatment plan that maximizes your chances of success. Some of the common ovarian function tests involved:

Pre-Treatment Hormone Tests

Serum AMH Level : This blood test measures Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), an indicator of remaining egg count and fertile years. A low level might suggest a lower reserve, while a high level might require medication.

TSH Level : This test assesses thyroid function, crucial for both egg quality and fetal development. Ideally, it’s conducted on an empty stomach four hours after you had your last meal.

LH Level : This test measures luteinizing hormone (LH), which plays a vital role in ovulation. It checks whether you are having irregular periods and problems in conceiving. Blood is taken on days 2, 3, and 5 of your menstrual cycle and there is no need for fasting for this test.

Imaging Tests

Transvaginal (pelvic) Ultrasound Exam : This ultrasound is used to see the organs inside a woman’s reproductive system that includes uterus, ovaries, cervix, and vagina. It helps diagnose pelvic pain, menstrual issues, and potential infertility causes.

Antral Follicle Count Test (AFC) : This ultrasound counts follicles on day 3 of your menstrual cycle, reflecting your ovarian reserve and fertility potential. A higher AFC generally indicates better chances with IVF.

Evaluation of the Uterine Cavity:

Since the embryo will be placed in the uterus during IVF, its health is crucial. Hence to check the shape of the uterine cavity, Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and hysteroscopy are done:

HSG : This X-ray examination looks at the inside portion of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes to identify blockages or abnormalities.

Hysteroscopy :  A thin, lighted scope is inserted through the vagina to directly view the uterine cavity for diagnosis and potential treatment for abnormal bleeding.


Male fertility testing might involve surgical procedures like testicular biopsy or vasography to identify blockages and sperm production issues. However, the most common test is:

Semen Analysis : This assesses sperm quality, quantity, motility (swimming ability), morphology (shape), count, and vitality (survival). The test is conducted only after an individual stays away from bad addictions like drinking alcohol for 24-72 hours.

It is essential to consult a dermatologist before starting your IVF journey. Only after diagnosis and assessment, suitable tests will be recommended to you that would help you to conceive and make your journey, from pregnancy to childbirth a memorable one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are fertility tests applicable for both males and females?

Yes. Both males and females can go through fertility tests. For females, hormonal tests, x-rays, and ultrasound are recommended, while for males, semen analysis is done to ensure various characteristics of the sperm.

When should a couple seek fertility evaluation?

A couple is generally advised to seek fertility evaluation if they have been actively trying to conceive for a year without success. If the woman is over 35, evaluation may be considered after six months of trying.

What does fertility evaluation involve for both partners?

Fertility evaluation typically includes medical history reviews, physical examinations, hormone testing, semen analysis for the male partner, and imaging studies (ultrasound, hysterosalpingography) for the female partner.

Which clinic provides fertility evaluation services in Bangalore?

Janya Fertility Clinic is located in HSR layout, Bangalore. It has modern infrastructure and skilled professionals who conduct the entire procedure with utmost precision and care. Check their website https://janyafertility.in/ to know more about the treatments.